Friday, October 5, 2012

Wasington DC Part 1

Christopher and I took a short trip to Washington DC. I was excited since I had never been there before.
Not knowing what to expect I was pleasantly surprised. The city is beautiful, well maintained and full of parks, green spaces, and art as well as great architecture and history.
While Christopher was in meetings I explored the city. It was raining but I still had a great time walking around taking in all the sights. This is a view of the National Botanic Gardens Conservatory from one of several beautiful outside gardens. Check out that fountain.

The Washington Monument stunning against the grey sky.

Don't know the name of this sculpture, obviously marble and copper. I loved the planting too.

The new World War 2 memorial

I love fountains, and  there was no shortage of them here, all beautiful......and working.

The National Botanic gardens provided little sitting nooks to visitors. Maybe these were shady rest spots for when the sun was out, because they offered no relief from the rain... OH well....everything looks so lush.

Just take a look at this collection of sedums and Aloes in this public garden. I was amazed that no one just picked up one of these pots and carried it off.......I'm glad they didn't.
Here's a picture on my way to the Lincoln Memorial. Wow, all that marble, all those steps.

This is the Korean War Memorial. I told you Washington is full of amazing sculptures and this is no exception. Here you get the feeling of actually being in the brush from these life size figures.
 This is an amazing piece of work.

Well this is my Washington post part 1, another post with more of Washington will follow ,because I have lots more to share with you.

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