Sunday, April 17, 2011

That dreaded Yellow of spring

Spring is taking her sweet time to get here to Michigan. The trees are budded the Daffodils are opening, but it's still cold outside. We are about three weeks behind temperature wise. Sure we have had a few nice days, but they have been far and few. It's like this, you can do a yard and garden cleanup in the sun one day, but the next day, you just want to stay inside and drink coffee. Then it warms up a little, then the next day it's back to cold and rain again, followed by three more days of cold.
I hate Forsythia's, They are a sure sign that spring is on the way, they are blooming everywhere here in the city as well as the suburbs. It's not that they are one of the first signs of spring...this I welcome, with open arms, it's just that these darn shrubs are polluting springs arrival with that acidic nasty yellow color, Yuky Poo Poo!!

Even after they finish blooming these shrubs have very little interest to me. These are in one of my neighbors yards. I am thankful that they are only around for a couple of weeks. The only purpose they serve to me is that they are a reminder that it's time to fertilize the lawn.

I don't know which is worse, when people shear them into these ridiculous shapes, or when they let them grow naturally. Either way they really BUG me. Look, this yard has them both ways, they really don't like me do they.

I welcome you spring, I just wish you had  a different welcome mat.

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