Thursday, July 28, 2016

A new tree

Loosing a tree can be hard as loosing a loved one, a friend, or a beloved pet.
Such was the case when my client had to cut down an old Magnolia tree earlier this year.
 The tree had been a staple in the garden for quite some time, even before my client had moved into the house.
 The "Stella" Magnolia had many years of providing shade to this garden, as well as a spectacular flower show in the spring.
I can remember the fading blossoms littering the ground like snow, truly a lovely sight to

This is the life of a garden, a loss can open new doors, a new opportunity
a new plan, a new garden.
A "Kwanzaa "cherry tree was planted, the concrete fountain moved, and Arborvitaes were added to give privacy to the patio area.

The results are beautiful
The garden has opened up with more light, and the new tree, and shrubs are happy.
The new light provides the opportunity to add more sun loving plants, as some of the Hosta's will be relocated.

It was sad when the old Magnolia had to go, but change is what gardening is all about.
Sometimes you get happy surprises.
This we like.

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