Sunday, February 17, 2019

The frozen truth

The Ice storm

Recently here in Michigan we had an "Ice Storm" that covered the garden in about a inch of 

The garden took on a whole new look, I couldn't resist taking some photo's

Though schools were closed, and roads were dangerous to drive on, there was a "Winter Wonderland" feel to the garden

I know a lot of people are ready for spring, but winter may still have some tricks up it's sleeve.

The truth is that it's still winter , so sit back and relax. 


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Mysterious metal sculptures

 Spring is almost here !!

No not really, and I'm posting this on a day here in Michigan where we are under a winter storm warning.

It was a bright sunny February day here though when I discovered this rusty metal sculpture garden,

They were in the yard of a storefront and, that's about all I can tell you about them......

No name, not even on the building. Why are the here, who made them, are they for sale, and can I get one? 

 Pretty amazing though, further investigation is needed indeed!!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

More of the winter pots

Hopefully we are done with that "Winter Vortex" it was not fun.
Just sharing some more winter pots, because it's still winter, and we may not be out of the woods yet.

There is just not a lot going on right now!

Take this time to find inspiration,