Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Liss and Shapero winter pots.

There is a diffrence between winter and holiday decorating. Winter pots are not just for the up-coming holiday, they have to look good for the long season of winter and should not look too Christmasy.

When all the Santa's and the baby Jesus have been packed away, winter pots must carry on!!

I like the idea of having something in pots for every season, don't you? These pots were done with yellow being the main color, this client likes yellow. This will look nice, given the white building in the background
Yellow works here.

Yellow twig dog wood,  Eucalyptus, and gold curly willow branches
Imagine these pots with a blanket of a fresh snow, this will ad a new dimension to these pots.

 winter pots also extend the garden season adding color and texture to what could be a harsh and desolate landscape. These pots are sure to add a unexpected color to the winter.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eddie! What a great blog you have here! You sure have a skill and talent for what you do! I have perused many of your posts and loved seeing the beautiful areas you have created.

    Thank you for stopping by my place and leaving your comment. Nice to meet you!

    Kindly, Lorraine
