Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First look at a annual planting

Ive just had the pleasure of reconnecting with one of my oldest clients. When she asked me to do some annual planting for her, how could I refuse.
I always look forward to revisiting a garden that has had time to mature,  where you stand back and say "wow...... I remember planting that, look at it now"
It's also nice to know that your hard work has been appreciated and cared for.
After a consultation with this client she told me what she liked, but insisted that I have complete artistic freedom. It's nice to be trusted.
Her only son was graduating from High School. Friends and family would be dropping by to congratulate him, maybe even a small party on the back deck weather permitting.
She wanted to do some of the pots herself, but trusted the planting of the front yard, and the main pots on the deck over to me.
Five containers were placed along a blank wall on the back deck. Two rectangle baskets with iron trellises, and three round pots were planted.
I had the idea of making this small planting look massive and lush. Even though these were separate containers, I wanted it to all look like one continues garden.
The plants I chose to work with are mostly trailing plants, and plants that would weave in and out of on another. I encourage these plants to miss behave and have a tryst with the plants in the pots next door.
                     These pictures were taken right after the pots I planted them I look forward to revisiting this garden and seeing how it all worked out.                    

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